"Yes I Would!" Sound-Wave Engraved Wedding Ring

Above: Japanese artist and engraver Sakurako Shimizu makes really unique collectible rings as part of his "Waveform Series": the "I really do" wedding vows are laser-cut and left in silvergold or silver because wearable jewelry, look to
Foreign sayings
If A language other than your primary one has special meaning to you as a couple, think of an expression that speaks to you personally and engrave it into that language-just make certain you are 100% confident that the words you're engraving mean exactly what you believe they do! A simple "I love you" sounds beautiful in any language. A wonderful Latin saying is your Virgil quote, "Nunc scio quid sit amor," which translates into " Now I understand what love is."
A Film or tune
Music And film are important factors when it comes to memory and no doubt you and your spouse have a favorite film or piece of music that you like together. Perhaps have some words from 'your song' engraved in your own wedding ring or portion of a movie quote.
Your Names on the rings
Another Popular and private trend for ring engravings is having your names on one another's rings - but in your own design! Tech has made it a great deal easier for jewellers to make custom designs, so engraving your own personal handwriting onto a ring is simpler than ever before. Of Course, this thought could depend on your partner's writing since a cluttered signature or name can just end up looking like scrapes, so be sure to practice writing out names prior to doing this. If this works for youpersonally, signatures can make for beautiful inscriptions.
be returned, exchanged, or resized. Perhaps not Every ring can be engraved, particularly those that are extremely thin or tab are exceptionally contoured. The Variety of characters (letters and spaces) that you can use will be tabdetermined by the dimensions of your finger. Smaller fingers and rings taballow fewer personalities, whereas larger rings permit a longer expression. Whether You go with something classic and deep, like a Bible verse or a tabcouple of words from Shakespeare, or with a sweet impression which would tabseem at home on a candy conversation heart, is of course completely up tab to you. But remember that you'll be wearing these rings for tabdecades, hopefully until you are wrinkled and grey. So think hard tab about if you will still love those words as much when you are tab 80 because you do now.
Make Sure you always, always double check the spelling of everything you would like tab engraved. The engraver won't always understand what you meant to tabstate, so ensuring that it's right is up to you!
"The Universe Unfolds"
Above: Among the most profound and deep messages (without even mentioning love and marriage vows) is the inscription above. It is mysterious and full of wonder, and we leave it at that.
Engrave Your spouse's name
Similar To your partner's signature, why don't you just engrave their title? This keeps it short, sweet and easy. Each person could put on a band with the others title on it and if you have special nicknames for another you can use this instead.